Third studio album, 'Under Control' recorded at The Tragically Hip's studio, The Bathouse and Shoebox Studios is available now.
Listen on your preferred streaming platform here.
Inspiring growth through perseverance, ‘Under Control’ ebbs and flows bending the rock/pop influences from generations before us combined with our personal flair to create a product that is uniquely ours.
We walk a thin line between a showboat and a shipwreck and we wanted that portrayed on the record.
This album's straight from the heart. It's about reflection; digging deep and telling the stories of our most influential ups and downs of the last decade.
Andre Pettipas – Vocals/Guitar
Travis Pettipas – Bass
Mark Cosh - Drums
John MacDonald - Guitar
With their take no prisoners live performances, stellar musicianship, and habit of finding grist for the songwriting mill in everything from southern rock to prog and pop. Andre Pettipas and The Giants are a rarity - an act who absolutely refuse to let anything take the fun out of their creative process performances on record or on stage, and with absolutely no fear of stopping outside the box to get their message across.